dental patient talking on phone

Contact our dentists - Irie Dental Associates, LLC

Contact Irie Dental Associates, LLC

East Orange, NJ

  • Address:
    15 Freeman Avenue, East Orange, NJ 07018
  • Current Patient:
    (973) 673-4743
  • New Patient:
    (973) 604-3123
  • Hours:
    Monday: Office closed.
    Tuesday: 10-5pm
    Wednesday: 9am to 4pm
    Thursday: 10-5pm
    Friday: 10-2pm Periodontist only

Bloomfield, NJ

  • Address:
    275 Broad Street, Bloomfield, NJ 07003
  • Current Patient:
    (973) 743-4743
  • New Patient:
    (973) 834-6741
  • Hours:
    Mondays: 8:30am to 4pm, Periodontist 10-2pm and Hygiene 8:30am to 4pm
    Tuesday: 9 to 6pm Hygiene and General dentist
    Wednesday: Office closed
    Thursday: 9 to 5pm GP and hygiene, Periodontist 10-2pm
    Friday: Office closed
    Saturdays: special arrangements.

Get in touch


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